Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tatiana, portrait in oil

 I've been working on this portrait for a few months.  I just finished last week, when Tatiana came to the studio for a sitting so that I could work a little bit more on her face.  It is my biggest painting to date.  The challenge was in getting the texture and feel of difficult materials like fur, hair, silk, jewels, flowers, fabric, etc.   

This painting was made to recognize the contribution of Tatiana to the Exploring Beauty project.  She is shown here next to the painting, where it hung at the exhibition in Antwerp.  Tatiana was the first model for the project, and so I wanted to recognize her courage for stepping forward.  The painting was made in secret and was a complete surprise!  

Below is Tatiana's interview, which was exhibited with the portrait at the exhibition:

I think all my life shows on my face.  And I’m very proud of that.  Pictures attract me when I see soul; I guess what the woman did with her life.  Was she happy in life?  You can see it on a face immediately.  I’m more satisfied with myself at 56, because I’m more beautiful than when I was younger.  I have life behind me.  Youth is the gift of nature, but age is the work of art. 

I’m proud to be in this project, not only to show worth, but also to show women they will be more proud and free after the exhibition, not upset about wrinkles on the face.  Together, as a group of women, I believe we can make a difference.  

God gave me body, but it was really tough work to preserve myself to this age!  So far I’ve lived a happy life, and I’m very happy and healthy.  What is very important is that, yes, I’m in love!  That’s what I wish every woman, to love and to be in love.  Because it is like some special glow. That’s what beauty is, when a woman glows.  

I was the first model and it makes me happy!  Maybe I show women not to be afraid, to go for it.  If you don’t try, you don’t live.  In Russia there is a saying: “If you don’t take a risk you will never drink champagne.”  So together we will go to Antwerp and drink champagne! 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Otwin portrait

This is a quick sketch in charcoal, about 20 minutes or so.  I really enjoy working with this model, he has such strong  features.  Fortunately, since I am the model coordinator, I get to choose the models.
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