Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Olive Grove midafternoon, July

Oil on linen, 30x40 cm (1.0 x 1.3 feet), Artist's collection.

To me, the Tuscan paintings have been about capturing light effects. This painting was done in the full noon sun in the hottest part of the day, without shade in my favorite olive grove outside Monteriggione. The temperature was about 38 C or 100 Fahrenheit, but it was worth it. Can you feel the heat?

Olive Grove at Twilight, July #2

Oil on linen, 24 x 30 cm ( appx. 0.8 by 1.0 feet)
Artist's collection

This is the last of several paintings done at twilight in an Italian olive grove just outside of Monteriggione. It was fabulous to be outside painting as the shadows lengthened into evening, serenaded by birdsong and cicada calls.

Monteriggione, approaching storm.

Oil on linen, 70 x 100 cm (2.3 x 3.3 feet)
500 Euro ($695)

This bigger painting was made in the studio based on an oil painting made on site, plus a photo taken of this mad storm just before it arrived. The town of Monteriggione was already getting wet, my vantage point was way out in the fields where the sun was still shining.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wheat field and approaching storm, Monteriggione

Oil on linen, 60x30 cm (2.0 x 1.0 feett)
180 euro ($250)

This was started in the field, and finished in the studio. The storm that hit was among the most violent and impressive I've ever seen. Luckily I had enough warning to pack up and get my car off of the dirt road before the storm hit or I'd still be stuck there in the mud.
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Olive Grove at Twilight, July

Oil on linen24 x 30 cm ( appx. 0.8 by 1.0 feet)

There are only one or two paintings that I allow myself to keep, and this is one. At least for now. For me this painting captures the exact mood of this perfect summer evening in the olive grove, in a remote farm and up a dirt road. I can almost feel the late afternoon sun on my face and chest, and smell the sweet fragrance of drying wheat fields, flowers, and sun baked olive trees while listening to bridsong and buzzing cicadas. Truly a magical time and place.

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Pepi's Vineyard

An older post, but worth revisiting.

Oil on linen24 x 30 cm ( appx. 0.8 by 1.0 feet)

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Monday, July 6, 2009

Early afternoon sun, view of San Gimignano

Oil on linen
24 x 30 cm ( appx. 0.8 by 1.0 feet)
90 Euro ($125)

A lovely day, finally I found a shady place where I could work and enjoy this magnificent view.

Vineyards and a view of Monteriggione

Oil on linen
30x40 cm (1.0 x 1.3 feet)
140 euro ($195)

This painting was executed in the searing hot sun, onsite at the little village of Monteriggione. I'm working every day outdoors painting for three weeks in Tuscany, and I am posting pictures of the experience to my blog every day, so please follow along for the ride!