Sunday, June 28, 2009

Vineyard and olive field near San Gimignano

Oil on linen
30x40 cm (about 1.0 x 1.3 feet)

Painted on location today, near the many-towered town of San Gimignano in Tuscany. The sun was intense and bright. The olive trees in the distance are set off by a vineyard in the near foreground.


  1. some lovely colors in your palette at last

  2. thanks, its both the light here and this fabu book I've been reading by a practitioner of a modern day school of impressionism, from the Cape Cod School of Art, by Lois Griffel. I'm working through her ideas in this palette and hopefully over the next several weeks.

  3. realizing how difficult it can be to gauge a painting on a computer screen. I have a better sense of the colors on the small image than the big one.

    can't wait to see more from Italy.

  4. Erik, The picture is cool! Looks like you are having a nice trip, weather cooperating. Sun participating, etc. It was good to see you again, although too brief.


  5. Hey, great to hear from all you guys! I'll keep posting every day to the other website,
